We developed a campaign that targeted consumers who were either at risk or diagnosed or at risk of developing, lung, breast, prostate or colon cancer. We also segmented these by gender. Materials pushed the consumer to set up an appointment for a screening to prevent, or follow-up appointment for those with a diagnosis.

Market research suggested that this age group is more likely to concern themselves with the health and wellbeing of others over themselves. So we lead the print campaign with what would in most cases seem to be a someone callused sentiment. "Put yourself FIRST." We found that in many cases these folks weren't even thinking about their own health.

The sentiment became the mantra for the campaign. With the direct mail we again asked the patient to put themselves first, following up with the idea that it was their responsibility to do so. This again directed the consumer to a microsite to take a health risk assessment and schedule an appointment.

Once at the micro site, the push was to take the HRA and move on to scheduling an appointment.